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Welcome to Wellness Integration

I have been facilitating inner-child and past-life sessions for over 30 years. My guided journeys are gentle, comfortable, and honoring. You decide what ...

Are you feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or unsure of how to achieve your goals? Hypnotherapy can help you live life to the fullest. I use proven techniques to ...
Are you tired of trying to quit smoking only to find yourself reaching for a cigarette again and again? Hypnotherapy can help. I use proven techniques to ...

Mental Solutions



  • Good for children
  • By appointment only
  • Debit & Credit Cards accepted
  • Smoke-quiting specialist
  • Past-life regression
  • Professional hypnotherapist


I want to tell EVERYBODY about my wonderful healing experience with Alan Berman! My session with Alan was to meet at least one of my inner children. Never did I expect what transpired. I was quickly made to feel at ease. With little effort on my part, I was able to see the first of my inner children. I saw her sitting on my dad’s lap & Alan guided me to coax her to come to me, which she did willingly. Alan suggested she & I agree to a safe space we could meet & we were instantly transported there! A scary thing had happened there & we quickly healed it & made it our own magical space! I am the oldest of three girls. My dad used to take us to a park in Arizona with a man made lake. Mind you, my dad liked to go there, I think, because he could entertain us and he could have a few beers. So, there were canoes you could take out on this lake and my dad took us in one. I must have been 4 years old, which means my sisters were 2 & 1. Remember, he was drinking with 3 little girls in a canoe. We tipped over. As I was going under the water, I saw my dad’s arms under the water, scooping my sisters up! of course he picked them up first, they were younger! But, to a 4 year old, that was pretty traumatic. Little Shelly & I went in a canoe & we did not tip over. Sounds simple, but it was very profound. I was able to tell her how brave she was & how she got me through so many difficult situations in this lifetime. I hugged her & told her I was so proud of her for being so strong & that we made it to the other side & I am the adult in charge now. Then, Alan told me that she was best friends with all my other inner children & that they were all there. We lined them all up from smallest to tallest. There were some that seemed to be in the shadows. I could not see their faces, but I could feel them there. I bent down & scooped them up & while they were in my arms, I told them all the things I’d already said that I was proud of them, they were brave & strong & got me through & slowly, they came into the light! It was magical! I left feeling so empowered & forever grateful to Alan!

Shelly M.

I want to tell EVERYBODY about my wonderful healing experience with Alan Berman! My session with Alan was to meet at least one of my inner children. Never did I expect what transpired. I was quickly made to feel at ease. With little effort on my part, I was able to see the first of my inner children. I saw her sitting on my dad’s lap & Alan guided me to coax her to come to me, which she did willingly. Alan suggested she & I agree to a safe space we could meet & we were instantly transported there! A scary thing had happened there & we quickly healed it & made it our own magical space! I am the oldest of three girls. My dad used to take us to a park in Arizona with a man made lake. Mind you, my dad liked to go there, I think, because he could entertain us and he could have a few beers. So, there were canoes you could take out on this lake and my dad took us in one. I must have been 4 years old, which means my sisters were 2 & 1. Remember, he was drinking with 3 little girls in a canoe. We tipped over. As I was going under the water, I saw my dad’s arms under the water, scooping my sisters up! of course he picked them up first, they were younger! But, to a 4 year old, that was pretty traumatic. Little Shelly & I went in a canoe & we did not tip over. Sounds simple, but it was very profound. I was able to tell her how brave she was & how she got me through so many difficult situations in this lifetime. I hugged her & told her I was so proud of her for being so strong & that we made it to the other side & I am the adult in charge now. Then, Alan told me that she was best friends with all my other inner children & that they were all there. We lined them all up from smallest to tallest. There were some that seemed to be in the shadows. I could not see their faces, but I could feel them there. I bent down & scooped them up & while they were in my arms, I told them all the things I’d already said that I was proud of them, they were brave & strong & got me through & slowly, they came into the light! It was magical! I left feeling so empowered & forever grateful to Alan!

Shelly M.